“I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.
He continues: There never was a greater time in the history of the world to live upon the earth
than this. How grateful every one of us ought to feel for being alive in this wonderful time with all the
marvelous blessings we have. … And on top of all that is the Restoration of the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ with all of the keys and authority, with all the gifts and blessings, with all the
organization and doctrine of all previous dispensations all brought into one. And you and I are
partakers of that marvelous restoration (from Church News, Aug. 14, 1999, 7).
I see so many good people everywhere—and there’s so much of good in them.
And the world is good. Wonderful things are happening in this world.
This is the greatest age in the history of the earth. …
We have every reason to be optimistic in this world. Tragedy is around, yes.
Problems everywhere, yes. … You can’t, you don’t, build out of pessimism or cynicism.
You look with optimism, work with faith, and things happen (from Ensign, June 1995, 4).
He was a true inspiration to me! And this is the only Prophet of the Church that Clay knew.