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She is SOOOO Cute!

Brooklyn is still feeling sick and isn't as smiley as she was prior to last Friday. It makes me so sad! The following pictures are from right before we left on our trip and they just capture our gorgeous ball of smiles that we love so much! She is slowly coming back. She smiled a lot more today than yesterday.
Our Friends Melanie and Zach gave us this Onsie. How did they know it would
be so perfect for her!


I know there are a lot of bath photos on this blog but she is just sooo Cute!!!

P.S. anyone know any secrets for getting rid of diaper rash? The drugs at the hospital must have done something funky to her poop because she has open sores on her bum and it's so sad!


Karen said…
I love Desitin for diaper rash. I think it also helps to give them warm baths a bit more often so they can just soak!! I hope she keeps getting better and happier!
Jess said…
Rachel gets diaper rash all the time. poor kid. Bleeding and everything. We slather on Lantiseptic (pretty sure you can buy it at drug stores) at night and when it's really bad. We also use Tender Tush (from Young it). The stuff makes her smell like pine cones but it's great. It's more essential oils type stuff and Rachel actually says "thank you" after the application.
If it's bleeding territory, no wipes are used, just use wet baby bath rags and before applying anything, let the sweet little bum completetly dry (probably more important than what you use after). We also use a generic Desitin, but I then put petroleum jelly all over afterwards. Good luck!
Unknown said…
She is so chunky! I love it!! The advice you have already gotten on the rash is perfect. I would add baby powder as well to keep her dry dry dry. Let her air out as long and as often as possible. Be careful with the powder . Try not to let her breathe any of it.
Melissa Hodgen said…
Melanie was so proud of that onsie. Glad to see it is being modeled in style.
Pitcherpost said…
LOL! I'm cracking up at Brooklyn in that onsie - how perfect for her! Now I wish I had also given you the one I bought for Aubrey, a pink tie dyed version, same text though! Skinny mini Aubrey can't pull it off.

I was so sad to hear about her ER visit. It made me teary eyed thinking about how I would feel in that situation. That's just too sad. I hope she and you guys have recovered. I'm in town so hopefully I'll see you this week, do you go to lunch bunch?
Hi Paige,

Your sister in law here from Claiforia. I too have an idea on how to get rid of her diaper's going to sound rather unconventional and weird but every person that I have ever talked to that has done this has had it work miracles. Do you have a dog? Or know a familuy member thats got one? Have the dog lick her bum. Don't be grossed out, it totally works. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Devrie Pettit said…
Can we steal some of that chunk for our son??? She's way cute! We need to introduce Brooklyn to Braylon!!

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