Wight: 17.10 Lb. 87th Percentile
Height: 27 Inches 94th Percentile
Head Circumference: 44cm 93rd Percentile
Fat Roll Count: 17 (Still way less than his sister at this age!)
Drool Level: Constant
Amazed at the World: Always
Smile Frequency: On Demand
Laugh Frequency: If worked for
Sleep Frequency: A lot but not enough for Mommy (;
Babble Frequency: Often
Cuddle Frequency: Preciously with anyone
Adorableness Level: The highest
Height: 27 Inches 94th Percentile
Head Circumference: 44cm 93rd Percentile
Fat Roll Count: 17 (Still way less than his sister at this age!)
Drool Level: Constant
Amazed at the World: Always
Smile Frequency: On Demand
Laugh Frequency: If worked for
Sleep Frequency: A lot but not enough for Mommy (;
Babble Frequency: Often
Cuddle Frequency: Preciously with anyone
Adorableness Level: The highest