I just read a great article , among the many on powerofmoms.com about Priorities (Power of the Month Moms!) and I loved the line: 'Am I “serving time” instead of serving my family?' because that is the question in my head - I just didn't put it so well! I feel like I'm serving time some days! Watching the clock desperately for the 6:30 mark where I can start getting the kids to bed, (yet somehow not getting them to bed till 8:30 - and i'm not even preparing anything more than cheese and meat or bread and peanut butter for dinner! I am honestly praying that the day nausea ends will come very very soon because I am ready to quit. This is the one job on the planet that you CAN'T quit though, so I just have to hope and pray and know I can't quit but ward God that I will really try if something isn't done about this! It has been the longest 3 months of my life and every day seems like an eternity and every task is just that much harder, takes longer and