I just read a great article, among the many on powerofmoms.com about Priorities (Power of the Month Moms!) and I loved the line: 'Am I “serving time” instead of serving my family?' because that is the question in my head - I just didn't put it so well! I feel like I'm serving time some days! Watching the clock desperately for the 6:30 mark where I can start getting the kids to bed, (yet somehow not getting them to bed till 8:30 - and i'm not even preparing anything more than cheese and meat or bread and peanut butter for dinner!
I am honestly praying that the day nausea ends will come very very soon because I am ready to quit. This is the one job on the planet that you CAN'T quit though, so I just have to hope and pray and know I can't quit but ward God that I will really try if something isn't done about this!
It has been the longest 3 months of my life and every day seems like an eternity and every task is just that much harder, takes longer and - wait, even if I wasn't totally nauseated that would be the case! I have a 1.5 year old! (terror by the way!)
Wish I had the energy to list all of his Terrible ways - throwing everything in the toilet - well tonight was the brand new roll of TP into the bath, but usually it's the toilet. He always walks the exact opposite direction that we are going and refuses to hold my hand - another real pet peeve. He is SOOOO cute though - his one redeeming quality
Anyway, a late night rant by Paige.
Here is a GREAT article my friend Janelle put on her blog wherearemymaryjanes an awesome resource for activities to do with your kids!:
Sorry if you can't read it - just go HERE
Do like Judy use to do to me... I walk in the door after work. She hands me Logan and says, "I'm Out of Here! See you later tonight." And Out she'd go.
I send my love!! Wish you were here!!